To celebrate Africa Day on 25 May, please join IPAA Victoria and its African-Australian Community of Practice for a virtual panel discussion on ‘Thriving in adversity – How African Australians can succeed in workplace’ to hear the experiences of distinguished African Australian Public Purpose and Corporate Leaders.
Speakers will discuss the many aspects of barriers that African Australians have, and enablers that African Australians require to succeed in their workplaces.
This event is led by IPAA Victoria’s African-Australian Community of Practice.
About Africa Day
Africa Day has been celebrated in Melbourne since 2012. It is an opportunity to bring together in unity the diverse African cultures represented here in Australia to celebrate the economic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural contributions and successes of Australians of all age groups from African descent. It is also an opportunity to highlight the benefits African Australians bring to Australia and the importance of Africa to Australia and the world.